Research in eMaintenance at the Department of Operation and maintenance and JVTC focuses on the development of solutions through the fusion of new and emerging technologies and methods.

The eMaintenance LAB provides digitalised infrastructure as a services (IaaS), platform as a service (PaaS), and software as a services (SaaS) tailored to enhance maintenance decision making. The integrated services can smoothly be adapted to various applications areas and industries. Today, the lab is supporting research and innovation (R&I) projects in aviation, mining, railway, energy, and process industry.

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To support a wide range of R&I projects and initiatives, the lab provides a combination of physical and virtual sites. Today, the physical sites of eMaintenance LAB, are located in Luleå, at the University in Luleå, and in Kiruna in close collaboration with LKAB (the Swedish mining company). These sites are designed and developed to facilitate hands-on experiences in eMaintenance research and innovation.

The services provided by the lab are utilised in research, education, and innovation within operation and maintenance. Furthermore, eMaintenance LAB is used to encourage and strengthen the cooperation and collaboration between industrial and academia partners.

eMaintenance LAB is now providing various services to both national and international stakeholders. This includes industry and research partners from Slovenien, Spain, Italy, Germany, Norway, Finland, and USA.